Rental Laws of Dubai that Every Tenant Must Know

Most of the expats that are working in the UAE reside in a rental space. Let it be an apartment, flat or villa, renting a place is a cumbersome task. Especially, if you have to deal with problems like high rents and tiny accommodation. Undoubtedly, the UAE Labour Law provides protection to the working class but what about the rights of tenants? Are there any laws providing legal coverage to the tenants?

The laws of UAE are quite strict when it comes to the protection of tenants and issues leading to eviction. Being a tenant, you must be aware of the important tenancy laws & rights that the law provides you.

Here are some of the fundamental rights and laws that every tenant living in Dubai should know.

Tenancy Laws of Dubai

Basic Rights of Tenants:

As per the Property Laws of UAE, these are some of the facilities that every tenant living in the city of Dubai is entitled to enjoy.

  • Properties Condition:

The condition of the property should be good and liveable at the time of hand over. It is the duty of the landlord to make the property liveable. They have to hand over the property in the best possible condition at the time of signing of contract or if there are any issues with it should be cleared beforehand.

  • Maintenance of Property:

As per the law, it is the duty of the landlord to maintain the property. Maintenance of the property includes all the repair works that may affect the living condition of the tenant.

  • Landlord cannot make any changes to the property without informing earlier. Moreover, the landlord shouldn’t start any activity that may cause hindrance in the everyday activities of the tenant. However, if the property needs maintenance the landlord can start it after getting the approval of the tenant.
  • If a tenant wants to decorate the property premises, the landlord should provide him with the required approvals from concerning offices in Dubai. Nevertheless, it is the obligation of the tenant that no effect should be made to the property’s structure during such activities.

Security Deposit:

The landlord can ask the renter to deposit security that they will refund at the time of evacuation. In case a landlord refuses to release the security deposit amount, the tenant may contact the rental dispute committee or the court.


In case a tenant wants to evacuate, he should inform the landlord in writing at least twelve months before the date of eviction. Likewise, if a landlord wants to evict a tenant they have to inform them in advance. However, in case that the landlord doesn’t inform the tenant in advance and wants them to evacuate the property, the tenant can contact police and the rental dispute committee.  

Rental Increment:

The landlord can increase the rent at the time of rental contract renewal but the increment has to be as per the RERA’s percentage of rental increment. Assuming that your landlord is increasing the rent unfairly, a tenant has the right to seek help from the court. There are many lawyers in Dubai that can help you out in such situations.

Obligations required from Tenants:

  •  It is the duty of the tenant to pay the rent on the set date every month. However, in case due to some reason, if there is delay in rent the tenant should inform the landlord beforehand.
  • Tenants should ensure that the proper maintenance of the property and keep it in good condition.
  • The renter should not sublease the property without the consent of the landlord.
  • All the government taxes and fees of the rented property has to be paid by the tenant unless agreed otherwise in the contract.
  • At the time of evacuation, a tenant cannot remove any leasehold item added to the property by him, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.
  • The renter is required to deposit a security fee if demanded by the property owner.

Laws of UAE that deals with Tenancy:

There are primarily two laws that deal with the matters related tenancy in Dubai. Law no. 26 of 2007 & Law no. 33 of 2008. Both of these laws deal with matters related to rent, rental property, eviction issues and other such matters.

However, matters related to rental prices fall under the jurisdiction of RERA, the Real Estate Regulatory Authority. The RERA has issued a Rent Index, as per which the rent of properties in Dubai are regulated.