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It is no secret how technology has crept into every nook and corner of our lives and, at times, tossed it around a bit. If there’s an area that has been shaken up inside-out by the upsurge of tech-transformation, it is employment. 

The conservative coats of traditional job roles today look dishevelled as new wardrobes are created for newer designations. With highly-defined job roles like Robotics Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Specialist, Full Stack Engineer or Chief Revenue Officer, our career realm is fast evolving. But are we?

As new solar systems emerge in the employment universe, how equipped are we to adapt, survive and succeed? How competent or ‘upskilled’ are we?


Today the term upskilling or re-skilling is no stranger to professionals and employers. To define the term from the employee prospect, “upskilling is the process of updating one’s current knowledge with newer skills.” From the employer’s perspective, it is a “training initiative within the work system to enhance customer satisfaction as well as employee advancement.” 

The rift between the existing jobs and the emerging ones getting wider, employers are in high need of professionals who can meet the demands of the latter. Often they face two options. Either scan the earth and pay a lump sum for the right candidate who is “tailor-made” for the new job-role or get your experienced hands back home proficient in the new technologies. Most companies find it cost-effective and time-saving to invest in upskilling rather than head-hunting for the chosen one. 

Upskilling also serves to solve the problem of unemployment of the traditional workforce as they can be upgraded as per the respective work profile. Most corporate companies and conglomerates  are willing to invest in upskilling. Amazon, the giant of the Big Four technology companies, is reported to have raked in a $700M for its Upskilling 2025 program. 


As opportunities spring forth in upskilling, one needs to take initiative and swim with the flow to stay ahead in the highly competitive field. Especially if you are a fresher, eagerly looking forward to making it big in the current technology revolution, upskilling must be a priority.

Today there are highly efficient, goal oriented EdTechs that infuse better education with current and relevant technology platforms. They offer training with job guarantee and also ensure hands-on experience and job training with global certifications. There are online courses as well that will take you through detailed and in-depth know-how of a myriad number of emerging technologies.

As companies adapt to the  new technical scenario and shift their focus to upskilling, the job market gets competitive. Your survival in the strong currents will depend on your adaptability to upskill and keep yourself constantly updated in the field.


Upskilling is an ongoing process. It doesn’t end with a new job role and increased responsibility. To remain rooted in digital storming, job-seekers, professionals and corporations will have to adopt a constant-learning mindset. One needs to be willing to collaborate with machines and embrace better and innovative platforms.

We need to be aware of the fact that the current digital age demands that the workforce evolves with technological revolutions. One needs to cultivate technical skills and the ability for higher competencies to face the demands of a fast-paced marketplace.