Distant Business: Sail Easy Through The Crisis By Selling Online

The Covid19 crisis has pushed the civilization back behind doors, almost, but the show must go on. The crisis triggered by Spanish Flu in 1918, caused havoc damage to the Indian economy and we have learnt enough from it. As things worsen affecting trade and commerce, we fear such a situation. Unfortunately, the Indian economy is slipping into a crisis-like scenario too, due to the present crisis. 

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Why are we allowing this? We are much better equipped to handle a crisis now than before, with dynamic technologies at our disposal why cannot we fight it out and save the economy? This is the best time to keep business as usual with dynamic business automation tools. You can consider a business app to start with. 

Mobile Apps Facilitating Distant Selling During The Covid19 Crisis

Whether you own a medium enterprise or a small businessman with ambitious goals, you need to take it to the next level, maybe now or never! This lockdown is perhaps an opportunity for you to explore the potential of business apps for your business if you don’t have one. You may know a few things or more on how mobile apps can help you in distant selling, we elaborate them for you with important insights. 

  • Browse from comfort zones and order: Customers, whether it is for B2C or B2B business, are afraid and are strictly under lockdown. They cannot and do not want to move out of their homes but need their essentials at the same time. You can reach out to them through your mobile apps, have your products there and let them browse through them from their comfort zones and place their orders. A responsive app with smart user-interface would be the perfect fit to address this requirement. You get a clear and timely update of the same.
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  • Payment through secured gateways: Mobile app development companies are committed to and hence adhere to strict data security guidelines. Thus, customers can pay through certified payment gateways. Paying in the secured environment allows your customer better shopping experience and make them coming back to you on repeated occasions. You gain their trust and confidence – one of the most important achievements for long-terms goals of a brand. 
  • Boost digital economy: Digital economy is a commonly agreed agenda for proposed betterment of the same. Online business and online payments will ensure we move towards that common goal. This will create a favourable situation for the digital economy. 
  • Safety of your employees:The thumb-rule to avoid the Covid19 crisis is to have no physical contact with anyone, rather avoid the same. Distant selling will ensure your employees or staff do not come in direct contact with customers. This will, in fact, boost your staff morale and enable them to work at your facility without the fear of getting infected by the virus. 
  • ‘No-touch’ delivery with smart and safe packaging: You can arrange a team to deliver the orders and leave it on their doorsteps. Since the orders would be prepaid, your delivery team can completely avoid direct contact with the buyers. You can keep the business operational even during the lockdown. Want more?
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How To Get Your Business App?

A business app is the first and the most essential of business tools to automate your venture and join the league of elite businessmen and women transforming industries like never before.Here we discuss a few details that will effectively assist you in getting your business app. 

  • Find the best mobile app development company: You need to find the best mobile app development company for your business app. Here we suggest you some verified ways to fish out the best one. 
  • Ask for recommendations: Ask your friends, relatives or friends in the industry to recommend you the best app development company. Only when your friends and relatives are satisfied with the service of a company, that they will recommend you one. So, the suggestions are already filtered. You can expect to zero on the best one by trying this. 
  • Check their portfolio: A good company will surely have its portfolio on its website. Do check it out. This will give you fairly a good idea about which one would best fit your requirement. Go for the most convincing one and just let the breeze pass by! 
  • Go for an on-line demo: If you are still not very sure with the potential companies then you can ask for an online demo. This will give you the best possible scope to understand and pick the best mobile app development company to serve your purpose. 
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  • Explain your requirements: You can speak to experts at the organization, get a good idea about their work and explain to them your requirements, in detail. This will draw a clear picture of your requirements and their deliverables, at the same time. Often grey areas, unrealistic expectations and claims create a fuss in the process, creates a scenario for mistrust and disturbs the process. So, it is advisable to clearly explain your requirements and secure a proper understanding of the same. 
  • Give liberty to exercise their expertise: When it comes to creating an application, it involves detail and the expertise of an expert. So, it would be great if you can allow the expert to take over the job and deliver you the desirable. You would not like to hire a mobile app developer who works independently because of privacy issues, you surely should not. So, allow the expert complete liberty to use their experience and expertise for developing your app. Trust them when you have hired them. 
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Business strategies coupled with relevant business tools can offer you the best possible outcomes. There are a good number of app developers working as freelancers, who can do the job. You can hire a mobile app developer like them but may compromise with data security; they are not abided by industrial policies. So, it is best to opt for the best mobile app development company to serve your business goals.

Summary: Besides a massive threat to the life of the civilization the country’s trade and commerce have been hit hard due to the crisis. With swelling demand and imposed restriction on movements, a business app is the best fitting solution to serve both ends. In this blog, we discuss how a business app can help small and medium-sized businesses in selling usual and even more during the lockdown and also why a customer would love it even more.