Unlock Your Lifestyle Potential: Guest Post Opportunities Await!

Are you passionate about lifestyle topics and eager to share your insights with a broader audience? Guest posting on lifestyle blogs and websites is a great way to do just that. In this article, we’ll cover the essentials of lifestyle guest posts and provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding article submissions.

What is Lifestyle?

Lifestyle encompasses the way an individual or group of people lives, including their habits, interests, values, and overall way of life. Lifestyle topics can vary widely, including health and wellness, fashion, travel, home decor, personal development, and more.

What is “Write for Us”?

Search Operator

Usage Example



site:example.com write for us

To find a “Write for Us” page specifically within a certain website.


intitle:”write for us”Movie

To find pages that have “write for us” in the title, focusing onMovie topics.


inurl:write-for-us SEO

To discover SEO-related “Write for Us” pages by searching URLs containing the phrase.

(Double Quotes)

“write for us” “submit a guest post”

To search for exact matches of common phrases used on “Write for Us” pages.


“write for us” -site:pinterest.com

To exclude certain domains, like Pinterest, from your search results.


“write for us” OR “contribute”Movie

To search for either “write for us” or “contribute” pages related toMovie.


filetype:doc “write for us”

Though less common, this can be used to find downloadable documents that mention “Write for Us,” potentially including submission guidelines in DOC format.


intext:”guest post guidelines”Movie

To find marketing pages that mention “guest post guidelines” somewhere in the text.


allintitle:write for usMovie

Ensures that all words appear in the title, useful for filtering to specific topics.



Searches for URLs that contain both “submit” and “post,” targetingMovie topics.



Finds websites related to a given blog, which can uncover similar opportunities not directly found through other searches.



Shows the cached version of a specific “Write for Us” page, useful if the current page is down.


allintext:”write for us” + “guidelines”Movie

Searches forMovie sites where both “write for us” and “guidelines” appear in the text, ensuring you find detailed submission pages.

inurl: + intitle:

inurl:guest-post intitle:”write for us”Movie

Aims to findMovie sites that have both “guest-post” in the URL and “write for us” in the title, indicating a dedicated guest posting page.

OR + site:

“write for us” OR “submit an article” site:.org

Looks for nonprofit or organizational websites (.org) interested in either “write for us” submissions or “submit an article” contributions.


“write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting”

Searches for “write for us” pages while excluding those that state they are currently closed or not accepting submissions.

site: + intext:

site:edu intext:”contribute to”Movie

FindsMovie (.edu) websites seeking contributions on science topics, indicating a higher likelihood of quality and authority.

intitle: + OR

intitle:(“write for us” OR “contribute”)Movie

Searches forMovie-related pages that are specifically looking for contributors or guest posts, broadening the scope by including “contribute.”

inurl: +

inurl:blog “write for us” -category

Finds blogs with “write for us” pages by excluding URLs that contain the word “category,” potentially filtering out blog index pages.

filetype: + intext:

filetype:pdf intext:”submission guidelines”

Searches for PDFs containing “submission guidelines,” useful for academic, scientific, or professional submissions where guidelines are often in PDF format.

allinurl: + intext:

allinurl:submit-article intext:”Lifestyle

Looks for pages where the URL suggests article submission and the text includes “Lifestyle,” targeting how-to and tutorial sites.

” “ + intext: + OR

“guest post by” intext:(expert OR author)Movie

FindsMovie articles by guest experts or authors, indicating sites that welcome knowledgeable contributions.

site: + OR + intext:

site:.uk OR site:.ie intext:”write for us”Movie

Targets UK (.uk) and Ireland (.ie)Movie sites open for guest posts, focusing on a geographical area.

+ inurl: + intext:

-inurl:forum -inurl:thread intext:”write for us”Movie

Excludes forums and threads, focusing onMovie websites that actively seek guest posts or articles.

intext: + -“no longer”

intext:”write for us” -“no longer accepting”

Filters out sites that explicitly mention they are no longer accepting submissions, ensuring you target active opportunities.

inurl:contribute + OR + inurl:submission

inurl:contribute OR inurl:submission “Lifestyle

Broadens the search to include URLs with either “contribute” or “submission,” aimed atMovie opportunities.

allinurl: + intitle:

allinurl:write-for-us intitle:guest “Lifestyle tips”

Searches forMovie tips websites with “write-for-us” in the URL and pages specifically titled with “guest,” indicating guest post acceptance.

site: + -filetype:

site:example.com -filetype:pdf “submit your post”

Targets a specific site for submission opportunities but excludes PDFs, which might contain outdated guidelines.

intext: + related:

intext:”guest post guidelines” related:example.com

Finds pages with guest post guidelines that are related to a known site, uncovering similar opportunities in the same niche.

” “ + `-inurl:(tag


“write for us” -inurl:tag -inurl:tags

allintext: + -site:

allintext:”submit an article” -site:pinterest.com -site:facebook.com

Excludes social media platforms from search results, focusing on dedicated websites that accept article submissions.

intitle: + -“not looking”

intitle:”write for us” -“not looking for contributions”

Specifically targets “write for us” pages while filtering out those stating they are not currently seeking contributions.

inurl:guest + intext: + -“thank you”

inurl:guest intext:”write for us” -“thank you posts”

Focuses on guest-related URLs and excludes “thank you” posts, which often list past contributors rather than offering opportunities.

intitle: + OR + -“this page”

intitle:”contribute” OR “write for us” -“this page is closed”

Searches for titles indicating contribution opportunities, avoiding pages marked as closed.

site: + intext: + -“currently full”

site:.edu intext:”guest posts” -“currently full”

Looks for educational sites accepting guest posts but excludes any that mention they are currently full or not accepting new posts.

allinurl: + -“category” + -“archive”

allinurl:write-for-us -“category” -“archive”

Refines searches to exclude category and archive pages, which might clutter up results without offering direct opportunities.

allintext: + -“not accepting”

allintext:”write for us” -“not accepting”

Filters out pages that state they are not currently accepting submissions, streamlining the search for active opportunities.

intitle: + inurl:submit

intitle:”guest post” inurl:submit

Targets pages with “guest post” in their title and “submit” in their URL, indicating a high likelihood of submission calls.

site: + OR + -inurl:

site:.com OR site:.net -inurl:forum “write for us”

Aims to find “Write for Us” pages on commercial (.com) or network (.net) sites, while excluding forums to avoid off-topic results.

” “ + -intitle:

“submit your content” -intitle:comments

Looks for exact matches of “submit your content” but excludes pages with “comments” in the title to avoid comment sections.

inurl:author + intext:

inurl:author intext:”contribute to our site”

Finds author-specific URLs that invite contributions, suggesting guest authoring opportunities.

intitle: + -“archive” + -“tag”

intitle:”write for us” -“archive” -“tag”

Searches for pages titled “write for us,” excluding archives and tags to filter out less relevant results.

site: + -“FAQ” + -“contact”

site:example.com “write for us” -“FAQ” -“contact”

Focuses on finding “Write for Us” pages within a specific domain, excluding FAQ and contact pages to narrow down to the submission guidelines page.

intext: + OR + -“comments closed”

intext:”guest post” OR “write for us” -“comments closed”

Searches for text containing either “guest post” or “write for us,” excluding pages that mention “comments closed” to avoid outdated opportunities.

allinurl: + -“forum” + -“reply”

allinurl:guest-post -“forum” -“reply”

Targets URLs containing “guest-post” but excludes forums and replies, aiming for direct guest post submission pages.

site: + intitle: + -“no posts”

site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“no posts”

Searches for educational sites (.edu) with “write for us” in the title, excluding pages stating “no posts” to find active opportunities.

” “ + -“sign up now”

“write for us” -“sign up now”

Looks for exact matches of “write for us” while excluding any call to action like “sign up now,” which might indicate a different context.

inurl:blog + intext: + -“submit”

inurl:blog intext:”write for us” -“submit”

Searches for blogs indicating a “write for us” page but excludes those with “submit” in their text, potentially narrowing down to more specific guidelines or contact forms.

allintext: + -“not currently”

allintext:”write for us” -“not currently”

Aims to exclude pages that specifically mention they are not currently looking for contributions, focusing on active opportunities.

intitle: + -“category” + -“tags”

intitle:”submit an article” -“category” -“tags”

Filters out pages that are likely to be category listings or tag archives, honing in on direct submission pages.

site: + OR + -“guest”

site:example.blog OR site:example.news “write for us” -“guest”

Searches for “Write for Us” pages on either of two specific domains, excluding pages that use “guest” in a way that might indicate closed opportunities.

” “ + -“become a member”

“submit your work” -“become a member”

Searches for direct invitations to submit work while avoiding sites that require a membership sign-up to contribute.

inurl:contributors + intext: + -“no longer”

inurl:contributors intext:”guest writers” -“no longer”

Targets contributor-specific URLs that invite guest writers, excluding those that state they no longer accept contributions.

intitle: + -“guidelines” + -“FAQ”

intitle:”write for us” -“guidelines” -“FAQ”

Seeks out “Write for Us” titles but aims to sidestep guidelines or FAQ pages, potentially to find direct contact forms or alternative submission methods.

site: + -“archive” + -“template”

site:example.com “guest post” -“archive” -“template”

Focuses the search on a specific site for guest posting opportunities, excluding archives and templates to improve relevance.

intext: + -“apply now” + -“membership”

intext:”write for us” -“apply now” -“membership”

Searches for text inviting submissions, excluding prompts that might lead to application or membership pages rather than direct opportunities.

allinurl: + -“submit” + -“apply”

allinurl:write-for-us -“submit” -“apply”

Aims at URLs containing “write-for-us” while excluding terms that often accompany more complex submission processes or applications.

site: + intitle: + -“closed” + -“not accepting”

site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting”

Specifically targets educational sites with active “Write for Us” pages, excluding any that mention being closed to submissions.

” “ + -“sign up” + -“register”

“contribute” -“sign up” -“register”

Looks for opportunities to contribute without the need for signing up or registering, aiming for more straightforward submission processes.

inurl:blog + intext: + -“comment”

inurl:blog intext:”submit a post” -“comment”

Focuses on blogs inviting post submissions, excluding pages where “comment” might indicate a focus on reader feedback rather than guest contributions.

“Write for us” is an invitation for writers and contributors to submit their articles or guest posts to a website or blog. This opportunity allows writers to share their knowledge and insights with a wider audience, often in exchange for exposure, recognition, or compensation.

Why is “Write for Us” Important to Grow Your Business?

Guest posting on lifestyle blogs can be a strategic move to grow your business or personal brand. It allows you to tap into the blog’s existing readership, gain exposure, build authority in your niche, and potentially drive traffic back to your website or social media profiles.

Article Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your article, please ensure that it:

  • Is well-written, original, and not published elsewhere.
  • Provides valuable and engaging content relevant to our lifestyle niche.
  • Is between 500 to 1,500 words in length.
  • Contains high-quality images, properly credited, where applicable.
  • Includes proper formatting, subheadings, and a clear structure.

Where Can I Write and Get Paid?

Some lifestyle blogs and websites offer compensation to guest contributors. However, the availability of payment varies. It’s important to research and choose platforms that align with your goals, whether they offer payment, exposure, or both.

Table of Contents

Reviews write for us
plain oatmeal
whole grain bread and pasta
brown and wild rice
Boiled wheat, common wheat
lighthouse keeper
The Farm (Tennessee
balanced diet
non-governmental organizations
stress management
Good diet
Physical exercise
Good sleeping pattern
Personal hygiene
No bad habits or addiction
Health education
Safe environment
Physical fitness
Love through social support and healthy relationships
Active social life
Healthy lifestyle write for us
looking for guest posts
guest posting guidelines
become a guest blogger
guest post
becomes an author
suggest a post
contributor guidelines
guest posts wanted
submit an article
writers wanted
guest posts wanted
submit the post
contributing writer
lifestyle “write for us”
write for us healthy lifestyle
“write for us” + lifestyle
“write for us” lifestyle
write for us healthy diet
lifestyle write for us
lifestyle”write for us”
lifestyle + “write for us”
“write for us”+ lifestyle
healthy lifestyle write for us
life style write for us
lifestyle + write for us
write for us” healthy lifestyle
write for us “lifestyle”
write for us healthy food
lifestyle blog write for us
write for us +lifestyle
healthy living write for us
physical health + “write for us”
healthy lifestyle article
writing about healthy lifestyle
how to have healthy lifestyle
write about healthy lifestyle
write about your healthy lifestyle
article healthy lifestyle
health tips write for us
write for us life style
write for us
Active lifestyle write for us
benefits of CBD write for us
Angelus Demonus write for us
Data Center Travel write for us
Fashion school write for us
Auto Insurance Policies write for us
World Politics Write For Us
Eye color‎ write for us
Affiliate Marketing write for us
Professional Beauty Association write for us
online appointment scheduling write for us
Prison plastic surgery write for us
paid media write for us
franchise marketing write for us
Prison plastic surgery write for us
Mobile seo write for us
Influencer Marketing write for us
WooCommerce Write For Us
Jewellery Shopping Write For Us
Health Care Write For Us
Weight Loss Surgery write for us
Business Management write for us
Clinical psychology write for us
Data Center Travel write for us
Angelus Demonus write for us
benefits of CBD
Manchester write for us
Baton Rouge Boutique Write For Us
Rolex Watches Write For Us
Functional Fitness Training write for us
Big Data Write for us
Music Player Write For Us
Maternity Dress Write For Us
skin treatment write for us
eye makeup write for us
Drone cameras write for us
unicorn makeup write for us
Christmas Greeting Cards write for us
holiday photo cards write for us
Christmas gift write for us
Casio Calculator Watches Write for us
Teeter exercise Write for us
Breast Augmentation write for us
Face Serum Write For Us
Christmas Trees Write For Us
Lip Care write for us
Diet and Fitness Write For Us
Beauty & Fashion
Health & Fitness
Real Estate
Home Improvements
Cleaning and Organizing Tips
Adoption/Foster Care
Mental Health
Your Keyword “guest post”
Your Keyword “write for us”
Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”
Your Keyword “suggest a post”
Your Keyword “guest article”
Your Keyword “guest post opportunities”
Your Keyword “guest column”
Your Keyword “submit content”
Your Keyword “submit your content”
Your Keyword “contributing writer”
Your Keyword “want to write for”
Your Keyword “submit blog post”
Your Keyword “contribute to our site”
Your Keyword “submit post”
Your Keyword “submit an article”
Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”
Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
Your Keyword “submit news”
Your Keyword “guest blogger”
Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”
Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”
Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”
Your Keyword “writers wanted”
Your Keyword “articles wanted”
Your Keyword “submit guest post”
Your Keyword “submit an article”
Your Keyword “submit article”
Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”
Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”
Comments or questions are welcome.
“Golf- write for us”
“Write for us- golf “
“submit a guest post”
“submit your content”
“submit post”
“write for us- guest post”
“guest article”

Why We Pay Writers for Guest Posts?

We pay writers for guest posts to recognize their expertise and the value they bring to our readers. Compensation can be an incentive for high-quality content and encourages talented writers to contribute to our platform.

Whom Do We Allow to Publish?

We welcome contributions from writers, experts, and enthusiasts who can provide valuable insights, ideas, and advice on various lifestyle topics. We aim to maintain a high standard of quality in our content, so we carefully review each submission.

Categories Articles Aren’t Accepted Here In:

While we cover a broad spectrum of lifestyle topics, we do not accept articles that promote hate speech, discrimination, or illegal activities. We also refrain from publishing articles that are overtly promotional or lack substantial content.

Who Can Submit an Article?

Anyone passionate about lifestyle topics can submit an article for consideration. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, if you have valuable insights or stories to share, we encourage you to contribute

What Kind of Articles Do We Publish?

We publish articles that inform, entertain, and inspire our readers. Topics can range from health and wellness tips to travel guides, fashion trends, personal development, and more. We value well-researched, engaging, and original content.

Who Are We Publishing For?

We publish for a diverse audience interested in improving their lifestyle, exploring new trends, and gaining valuable insights. Our readers are looking for informative, engaging, and well-written content.

What You Should Follow While “Write for Us”?

Follow our submission guidelines, provide well-researched and unique content, and ensure your article is engaging and informative. Make sure to proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors.

Where Should You Send Your Pitch?

To submit your article or pitch your ideas, please send an email to youthgtech@gmail.com. Include a brief introduction, a summary of your article, and any relevant experience you have in lifestyle writing. Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you promptly.

In conclusion, guest posting on lifestyle blogs can be a rewarding way to share your knowledge and grow your personal or business brand. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, you can increase your chances of having your lifestyle guest post published on reputable websites in the niche.