Why should you contact a motorcycle accident lawyer?

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Over 88,00 people are involved in a motorcycle accident every year. Out of these, 30% suffer fatal injuries to the head and other delicate parts of the body and are rushed to the hospital’s emergency room. With the increasing number of vehicles, the number of accidents has also surged over the years. New laws and restrictions have been introduced to combat this situation, but they have a marginal effect only. It is your responsibility to get yourself insured at the end of the day while riding a motorcycle. Having a motorcycle insurance cover will provide you with a safety net to fall back on in the vent of an accident. But only having a motorcycle accident insurance cover is not enough. You would also require a motorcycle accident lawyer in Orlando to get fair compensation. Many insurance companies do not cough up money so easily. Also, you might have to prove the facts pertaining to your accident in court. That is why having a lawyer will ease things up for you. Keep reading to know more about how a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you in the event of a motorcycle accident.

What does a motorcycle accident lawyer do?

1. Assessing facts

A motorcycle accident lawyer scans through the facts and the information related to your accident. In most motorcycle accidents, people think that they have a strong case, and it would be easy for them to get fair compensation, but a lawyer knows better. An accident lawyer may help you to go over the facts and strengthen your appeal. They will investigate the situation before the accident, make up a report, and take care of the additional documentation required for filing the case in court. Motorcycle accident lawyers may even interview you and the witnesses of the accident to get a clear picture.

2. Steering investigation

After the motorcycle accident lawyer has gathered all the facts and information relating to your accident, the lawyer scans for every other piece related to your case. This is a very tedious job, and you are likely to get stuck if you do it on your own. This part of the investigation involves going back to the accident site, holding more interviews, recording every piece of information, talking with different experts, and combining them to make a solid case. Most patients are at the hospital recovering from the accident during this time. Thus, the motorcycle accident lawyer is beneficial during such times.

3. Filing claims

The trail of paperwork that follows an accident is tiresome. It becomes overwhelming for the patient at times and can also cause stress and affect the person’s health involved in the accident. Your attorney handles the paperwork. The attorney makes sure that no paperwork is missing from your file or your file does not contain incomplete forms and schedules. They also meet the deadlines for filing your case that you might miss.

4. Conducting negotiations

If you are in no mood to get in a legal tussle and want to settle it out of the court, the motorcycle accident lawyer may also help you in that case. Usually, lawyers reach out to the other party or their lawyers and negotiate on your behalf. The negligent party is required to meet the conditions as set up in a mutual agreement. Your lawyer will help you get fair compensation without you having to wait for extended dates and additional expenses that entail a court hearing.