Teach Your Kids to Read before Going to School

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Trying to teach kids to read at an early age gives him a valuable and irreplaceable good start to life. Reading is the critical component of education, and a child’s ability to read will have a dramatic impact on his or her academic success. Learning disabilities, many of which arise from weak reading ability, can weaken the self-esteem of a school child and affect his or her potential achievement.

Young kids are conditioned to learn and develop on stimulation. Ten to twenty mins of reading per day, in an inspiring atmosphere, always leave plenty of room to enjoy.

Parents are worried that learning how to read is too difficult for preschoolers. You should note that almost all children learn to talk before they are three. Learning a new language is possibly the single most difficult intellectual process any individual can pursue. Yet, young kids do this without formal lessons, achieving the fluency that most adult language students avoid. It follows that learning to identify letters with sounds is well beyond the capabilities of a young child.

There seems to be a moment of opportunity, in contexts of IQ development, which is most available during the early years of a child.

A scientific study conducted by Dr. Peter Huttenlocher, best pediatrician neurologist at the University of Chicago, indicated that the amount of connectors, known as synapses, between nerve endings in the brain of a newborn baby is similar to that in the average adult brain. Such synapses overgrow during early childhood. By 12-24 months, the brain of an infant has about 50 per cent more synapses than the average adult brain. 

Subsequently, synapses that are not in operation for atrophy. During most of one’s adult life, from the age of 16, the number stays constant. It is starting to drop again as we start moving into our golden years. Intellectual activity at an early age, like learning how to read stimulates and preserves these connectors in the brain, resulting in a long-term beneficial effect on IQ.

A wide number of control group studies have shown continuously, in addition to scientific studies, that stimulation at an early age has a beneficial long-term effect on IQ. The most research study is likely the Milwaukee Project (Garber, 1988; Garber & Heber, 1981). This research took a group of children, all of whose mothers had a poor IQ, and gave them intensive instruction for seven hours per day, five days per week, before they enrolled in the first grade. By the age of 6, these kids had an average IQ of thirty points better than their contemporaries.

The overwhelming conclusion is that initial stimulation can have a positive, long-term effect on the development of your child’s brain. You should talk to your child from birth and explain things to him. Reading to him can be mutually rewarding a great way to spend quality time with the children. The love of reading books and the experience with the idea of reading writing can pave the way for learning how to read later.

If your child is a fast learner, you can help him realize his potential by introducing him to the joy of the printed word at an early age. This will lay the groundwork for both high school education and a lifetime love of reading. If your child shows early signs of reading problems, then your actions will help him to minimize these issues before he or she goes to school.It may be hard to teach your kids if emotional problems inevitably arise within any family situation. Interactive, self-paced, online programs for learning how to read English are an excellent choice. They encourage children to replicate new content as many times as they need to, without the guidance of the adult.